Monday, November 4, 2013

The reputation of Google and many American companies specializing in Internet-related services and products was much hurt by Snowden's leaks. These leaks disclosed that these companies had allowed National Security Agency (NSA) to make back doors in order to have access to users' data. A huge portion of the business of these companies relies on users's trust because their services deal with users' private information and the majority of users cannot share their information with leaking companies. Therefore, these companies have been trying to protect their users' trust by deny the leaks and showing themselves surprised. In this article, there is one of the speeches in which Google aims to completely blame NSA for the surveillance and pretends to be innocent.  Schmidt said he had registered complaints with NSA and the president due to the leaks talking about tapping a huge amount of users information by NSA. However, Schmidt ignores the prism system that was exposed in Snowden's leaks. This system shows a clear agreement between many Internet companies including Google and NSA to give it access to users' data. When Schmidt tries to enhance Google's reputation by registering complaints against NSA due to some leaks, he has to see the other leaks that blame Google for giving NSA an access to spy on users.


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